Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Poster

I didn't have much time to do this project and so it was slightly rushed. It was originally square but I elongated it from the bottom to that the top wouldn't have empty space. I tried to match the colors and make the fonts fit the mood.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tigeranimation is down so I don't know exactly what to write with this. I learned how to make brushes and give volume to letters. I had no idea how to do half of this stuff, even despite help, so sorry. My learning impediment in this class really shows on this project.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pollution Advertisement

I used a couple of lines to guide the eye, and to make it flow through what I thought was the most important part. For the"die" bit, I used large letters in a noticeable, bold font and underlined it with a rough brush. I tried to make the fonts vary to avoid making it look repetitive and bland or boring.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


This was time consuming. The easiest part was obviously just typing the words and setting it up. The hardest part was making the brushes by far. I just could not figure out how to work them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Color Lyrics

I made it yellow to show the joy and the energy of the lyrics. "Sing Out" is made in large letters because it is the most meaningful words of the phrase. The horizontal lines help guide the eye down and contrast the vertical line that the text makes.